Join the Black Tulip Ensemble for a unique program that highlights music written by women composers from the 1700s!!! Francesca Caccini, Elisabeth Jacquet de la Guerre, Isabella Leonarda, and Barbara Strozzi may not be household names…but once you are introduced to their music in this program, we know you’ll remember them for a long time to come!!
Unique to this program is the fact that musicians Josefien and Joel are also visual artists. They will be sharing their drawings and paintings with you at this event alongside their music!
Dutch soprano Josefien Stoppelenburg is best known for her dazzling vocal agility and passionate and insightful interpretations. Stoppelenburg has performed all over the United States, Europe, Asia, and South America as a Baroque Music and Oratorio specialist, and as a concert singer. Last season Navona Records released her CD, ‘Modern Muses, contemporary treasures for soprano and cello’. The album won a Bronze Medal at the 2022 Global Music Awards.
Concerts this season include appearances in Houston (Harmonia Stellarum and Ars Lyrica), St Matthew Passion in the Netherlands, and concerts at the Arizona Bach Festival, Bach Week Evanston, Indianapolis Early Music Festival, the St. Louis Bach Festival, and with Apollo's Fire.
Sunday Feb 25, 2024
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM CST
Sunday, February 25
Artifact Events
4325 N Ravenswood Avenue