• Special Service Area #21

    The Special Service Area (SSA) program is a mechanism for contiguous industrial, commercial and residential areas to fund expanded services and programs through a localized property tax levy. These enhanced services and programs are in addition to services and programs currently provided through the City of Chicago. Such SSA funded projects could include: security services, business area marketing and advertising assistance, promotional activities such as parades and festivals, or any variety of small scale capital improvements which could be supported through a modest property tax levy.

  • Long Range Capabilities

    Long-range abilities of the Lincoln Square SSA include funding for business retention or attraction, security services, strategic planning, urban design, or any other moderate capital improvements. In 2003, a Mayor Daley appointed Commission agreed to set aside a small portion of future funds to consider proposals for public art, signage improvements in the Western Avenue CTA station, or any other responsible proposal for improving the district when City or private funds are unapproachable.