Awarded 3-Star Accreditation by U.S. Chamber of Commerce

Good news! The Lincoln Square Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that after a comprehensive self-review, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has awarded us with 3-Star Accreditation. This prestigious honor puts us among the top 3% of chambers nationwide.
“The accreditation process has helped us refine our mission as an organization,” said Melissa Flynn Executive Director of the Lincoln Square Chamber of Commerce. “We have created a 2-year strategic plan that puts our members’ needs at the heart of everything we do. We are very proud of this distinction and look forward to our continued advancement as an organization.”
With the accreditation the Chamber will continue to expand its programs and events like the Women’s Networking Group, Thursday’s in the Square and a new program that will roll out this May, “Wellness in the Square.” Of the nearly 7,000 Chambers in the United States only 227 receive accreditation. The Lincoln Square Chamber of Commerce is one of just 59 with the 3 star distinction.
This past year, the staff, board, and volunteers of the Lincoln Square Chamber of Commerce spent countless hours completing the Accreditation process. Our task: demonstrate competency in 9 core areas ranging from finance to facilities. The result of our hard-work is evidenced by this impressive rating. But in truth, we should all be extraordinarily proud of this milestone achievement. It was a true team effort.
The only national program recognizing chambers for their effective organizational procedures and community involvement, Accreditation allows us to renew, improve, and promote sound business practices, policies, and procedures.
Local chambers are rated Accredited, 3-Stars, 4-Stars, or 5-Stars. State chambers are recognized as either Accredited State Chamber or Accredited State Chamber with Distinction. The final determination is made by the Accrediting Board, a committee of U.S. Chamber board members and chamber executives from across the country.
For details, please contact Melissa Flynn at 773.728.3890 or click on the US Chamber 3-Star Accreditation logo.